martes, 11 de abril de 2017

Ampliant la dimensió europea: Visita preparatòria d'Erasmus+ a Finlàndia

En motiu de la visita preparatòria de les pràctiques en empresa dels nostres estudiants, en el marc del Programa Erasmus+ en col·laboració amb la Direcció general de Formació professional i Formació del professora, s'ha publicat l'article (que es reprodueix a continuació) en el blog de l'Institut de Formació professional de Jämsä (Finlàndia).
Finlàndia és molt reconeguda pel seu eficaç sistema educatiu. Anam a explorar com organitzen la seva Formació professional i a establir contactes preparant l'estada Erasmus+ dels nostres alumnes.
Joan Rosselló ha visitat les aules i tallers d'aquest i altres centres pertanyents al Consorci educatiu de Jyväskylä JAO. També s'ha entrevistat amb responsables de vàries empreses del sector agrícola. L'acollida que ha rebut per part del professorat finès ha estat molt bona i profitosa.
Aquesta visita ha suposat rompre el gel per a una col·laboració entre l'IES Felanitx i el JAO i per continuar treballant per bones oportunitats de pràctiques dels nostres estudiants. De ben segur que tots n'obtendrem experiències positives!

I am Mr. Joan Rosselló, teacher of the Agriculture Department at IES Felanitx (Upper secondary school in Mallorca). I have been lucky to visit JAO on a preparatory visit to arrange some Erasmus+ on-the-job training experience for our students next April and May.

Our school is situated in the town of Felanitx on the east coast of Mallorca island at about fifty kilometres far from Palma capital city. This village was once known by its wine production and now for its agricultural and touristic industry. There, students can get their Vocational Education Training diploma on the branches of Business and administration, Electricity and electronics and Agriculture. In this last case, we teach Horticulture, Gardening, Floristry, Landscaping and Rural environment. We have already had European Programs with many countries and Erasmus programs with United Kingdom and Poland.

During this preparatory visit, thanks to the accompaniment of   Jari Järvenranta, I have visited the JAO colleges and all of them have very well equipped installations in Jyväskylä and Jämsä. I have been able to see how teachers work and how they organize the classes in a very flexible way to offer the best chances to any student.

I have visited the classrooms, the workshops and their open-air activities as well as their cosy common areas. I also have been accompanied to interview with many entrepreneurs of collaborative companies: plant nurseries, garden centres, florists and forest exploitations.

I have felt very welcome everywhere and fortunate to know first hand very interesting places and people dedicated to vocational training. I could realize about the differences in educational, cultural and economic issues. I think none of them can be a problem for my students’ stay but a challenge and an opportunity to know, respect and love your culture and lifestyle. At the same time the Erasmus+ on the job training is a way to let you know somehow about our training style and Mallorcan lifestyle.

Finally, I think this preparatory visit has been widely worth to break the ice for many future good cooperation between Jyväskylä Educational Consortium and the Balearic Vocational Education Training High Schools. It is definitely about continuing working for the best training and job opportunities for our Finish and Balearic students.

Thanks to anyone who has made this preparatory visit so helpful.

Mr. Joan Rosselló
Head of the Agriculture Department
IES Felanitx

Coneixes algú que hagi estat de pràctiques d'Erasmus ?
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